Yoga for Spring Renewal

April 1, 2022

Springtime is here and known for its uplifting properties, not only in life but also in your yoga practice. The days start getting longer and brighter, the flowers are blooming, and you may sense a newfound spring in your step with these natural changes.

Are you ready to step out of your cocoon and out of a slumberous state? Spring is the perfect season to find renewal in your yoga practice, whatever style you choose!


Yoga is a detoxifying practice physically and energetically. If you practice a yang style of yoga, such as vinyasa or Ashtanga, your sweat will physically stimulate the lymphatic system for better immune system health. If you practice a slower form of yoga, such as yin or restorative, you will energetically restore the body’s health by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system as well as chakras and meridians (energy centers and channels according to yogic theory and Traditional Chinese Medicine).

You may feel yourself called to practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) as the sun is rising to greet the day ahead or even at sunset to give thanks for your day. Sun salutations are excellent ways to connect our bodies to the energy of the sun, which provides us with more daylight on earth during the season the spring. These sun salutations are combined of various movements which can energize and tone the body after the hibernating winter months.

Additionally, in any yogic practice, twisting postures are great for stimulating the digestion and elimination systems to function in their optimum health. Twisting is great to add into your yoga routine during spring, whether it’s a revolved high lunge pose, a simple seated twist or a reclined yin-style twist.


Spring is the season of rebirth and new beginnings. Perhaps you feel stale or stagnant in your life and/or yoga practice. This can cause us to feel unbalanced, abandon plans or cling too tightly to things that are unnecessary. However, the energy of spring can help us plan our great ideas to bring into reality as changemakers of the world through our actions. This starts with a self-care practice, which yoga is a part of.

When we feel balanced and in harmony with the energy of spring, we take action, have courage, and set healthy boundaries. What is your soul’s vision?

Sometimes in the beginning of spring, there is rigidity or inflexibility as we awaken from the slumber of winter. However, a gentle yoga practice, meditation, or breathing exercises can re-wild your senses to their fullest potential.

Connecting to the Earth

Earth is an element in both traditional yogic theory and Traditional Chinese Medicine that symbolizes rebirth and reverence. The ground we walk on every day is necessary for our survival and nourishment, so be sure to give thanks for all the earth provides in its ever-changing seasons.

By honoring the earth element, it provides stability and grounding during transitional seasons such as springtime. When we are grounded, we can think clearly and improve our intellect to focus on the tasks we need to get done or may have been putting off. On a soul level, it allows us to clear the path so we may step forward in our life.

Spring Yoga Poses

Reclined Butterfly

Lie on your back, with or without props for support, and bring your feet together with the knees apart. Stay here anywhere from 10 breaths to 10 minutes. It is a very relaxing pose. Feel free to give yourself a stomach massage in a clockwise direction to stimulate your digestion while in this pose.


Start in a tabletop position with the hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips. On the inhale, arch the body and look up. On the exhale, round the back and look at the navel. Continue this for 5-10 rounds, connecting each movement to your breath. This creates gentle action and fluidity through the spine and is a great warm-up before performing Sun Salutations.

Squat Pose

From a standing position, take the feet hip width and angle the feet out 45 degrees. Sink the hips down with the option to sit on a block for support for longer holds. Bring the hands to prayer at your heart. Stay here for 5 breaths or 5 minutes for an earth-connecting meditative posture.

Sleeping Pigeon Pose

This is an excellent grounding posture, also known as Sleeping Swan in yin yoga. To perform this posture, take one leg in front and rotate the hip joint externally so the shin angles slightly inward. If you feel pressure on the knee, take a reclined figure-4 stretch instead. You can also use props for support. Once comfortable in the position, lay down forward over the leg resting the head on your hands, mat, or cushion. Stay here for 10 breaths or 5 minutes. Repeat on the other side after giving the body time to reset in between.

Incorporating Spring Energy

All of these postures and themes can be done in a yin-style or yang-style format, depending on your mood or energy. Some days we need more power and other days we need to slow down, depending on the factors in our lives. The most important thing is to remember to breathe!

Our breath connects us to the world around us through a cyclical process. As trees begin to blossom and become green again, more oxygen is produced for us to nourish our bodies. Perhaps you wish to take a springtime walk in the park or meditate with your back next to a tree. Maybe incorporating flower arrangements in your home will also perk up your lifestyle routine, not to mention they always smell delightful!

Spring is the season for you to blossom forth and get ready for the heat of summer and the wild energy it can bring. Remember to take it easy, go slow, take aligned action, and find time for your yoga and meditation practice as a part of your daily routine in connecting with the energy of Spring.


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Meet Alisha Beine

As a holistic health coach, I will work with you on an individual or group basis, where we work together to identify small integrative steps that you can take to become healthier and happier. The work itself is really part listener and part recommendation-giver to encourage and allow you to learn to listen to your own body and decide what’s right for you. Holistic health coaches act as a wellness mentor and support system to you if you are looking to feel your best and are ready and willing to make changes to your diet and overall lifestyle. It’s my job to tailor specific recommendations to you based on your life, body, and needs.

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